
Lok Sin Tong Man Ng Wing Yee Kindergarten

2024- 2025 年度入學申請表

Application Form for Admission 2024- 2025

1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice

家長資料 Parents information

父親 Father

母親 Mother

曾於本校就讀/畢業生之學生姓名及關係:Sibling(s)/relatives studied / currently studing in our school:

家長問卷 Parent’s Questionnaire

#家長從何知悉本園招生的資訊: How did you know about our school admission information:

所需文件 Documents

注意事項 Notices

  1. 請家長提交網上申請表後,於報名截止日期前向本校交回以下文件以完成報名程序︰ Please submit the following documents to complete the application procedure before the application deadline:
    1. 報名費$40 Application fee$40
    2. 香港出世紙副本乙份 A copy of Birth Certificate
    3. 針卡副本 A copy of injection record
    4. 學生近照 2 張 2 Front view photos
    5. 三個貼有郵費$2.2 長信封 (信封面寫上學生姓名、地址) THREE stamped($2.2) addressed envelopes with student’s name
  2. 所有已被校方接納之報名申請,家長需繳交報名費以確定完成報名程序。凡資料或文件不 齊,及未繳交報名費之入學申請,學校將不會處理其申請或安排面見。 Parents must pay the Enrollment Fee to confirm that the application has been accepted by the school and the enrollment procedure has been completed. Any application with outstanding information or document and Enrollment Fee will not be processed and no interview will be arranged.

根據《個人資料(私隱)條例》,本申請表內有關個人資料將僅供校方作處理入學申請之用。在未得到申請人的 同意之前,校方不會向第三者披露或轉移所收集得關於你的資料。

According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, the personal data in this application form will only be used by the school to process the application for admission.Without the consent of the applicant, the school will not disclose or transfer the information collected about you to third parties.


If the application for admission is not accepted, the school will destroy all relevant personal data; the personal data of the successful applicant will be placed in the student’s file and will be kept by the school.

資料收集聲明 Information Collection Statement